The Millenium Orchard, just a short walk from the Priory Church, has a wide variety of apple trees (including dessert, cooking and cider apples). It is a wonderful place to walk, especially at blossom time in May and June. In the Autumn the general public are allowed to scrump or gather these apples. It is also an important place for particular animals and plants. 

Orchards are the perfect habitat for pollinators, and for animals that rely on deadwood created by trees that age quickly. For more information have a look at the Woodland Trust. Orchards are a great place for the whole community to celebrate the joys of apples. There are other public orchards in Leominster, and many apples trees around in the town, both in gardens and in public places like this crab apple near the Priory Church. We are involved in discussions to improve information about the apple varieties in the orchard and to improve access. Leominster Town Council and LARC have plans to regenerate the orchard area in various ways in the near future.

If you have ideas about activities that would help the people of Leominster to enjoy apples please contact us. We would also like  to hear about your experiences of apples and orchards in the past and the present, especially stories about scrumping, picking, cooking and playing apple games. If you have a family recipe that you’d like to share please do let us know.