This website has been set up to help people to enjoy their local apples orchards, the trees in their gardens, and to learn something about the historical importance and heritage of apples in the town. It has grown out of a project with Leominster Meeting Centre, and is supported by the Heritage Pathfinders Seedcorn Fund, supersum, the University of Worcester Association for Dementia Studies and The Tudor Trust.
We want to encourage individuals and groups to enjoy the apples that are such an important, if ordinary part of our culture. This site is a work in progress and will develop over time. It is not designed to be a specialist website for particular subjects like wildlife, heritage varieties or poems about apples, but it is a great place to find out about apple things.
In 2023 we are looking for funding to be able to give talks, demonstrations and take walks and apple information into the community. We would like to provide sessions for schools, community centres and adult education and to help foster links between community groups. We can provide specialists and enthusiasts in various fields including wildlife, biodiversity, traditional and modern apple recipes, apple tree growing and care, the history of orchards, cider and apple juice making etc.
What is your favourite kind of apple? Do you enjoy making or eating pies, chutneys, cakes and other recipes using apples? Do you use phrases like ‘An apple a day keeps the Doctor away’? There is much to discover about how important apples have been and are to the people of Leominster.